Sunday, January 25, 2015

5 Paragraphs Of 4 Decades Summed Up By 3 Moments 2Day On My Blog #1

Saturday Night Live is a legend in our culture, and one of its most popular and long-running facets is the Weekend Update. For those of you who do not know, the Weekend Update is a satirical take on the news in which jokes are made about different stories through guest characters, clever punchlines, and moments of awkward silence. Over its 40 years, the Weekend Update has had many memorable and hilarious moments. So in my inaugural post, I shall list and discuss my three favorite Weekend Update moments.

1. Jebidiah Atkinson Reviews Oscar Contestants
“I haven’t liked any best picture nominees ever!”
In 2013 SNL debuted a new character named Jebidiah Atkinson, a 19th century newspaper critic famous for criticizing Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, calling it a forgettable speech in a terrible location with bad acoustics. His popularity earned him three more appearances on the Weekend Update, one of which was the most memorable for myself. On March 2, 2014, SNL’s Weekend Update featured Jebediah Atkinson, just as Oscar season was getting underway. This time, Atkinson went about attacking the year’s Best Picture nominees. In his own words, “I’m not impressed!” He called the Oscars 86 years of misery and went on to badmouth many prestigious films. An interesting note: the first Oscar ceremony was in 1929, but honored films from 1927. This means that his claim of 86 years is not true of the awards ceremony, but of the movies featured in the ceremony. Anyway, Atkinson began by discussing movies such as Her, Dallas Buyers Club, and Gravity . About Her he said that even the main character spent the whole movie texting. About Gravity, Atkinson said “if I wanted to watch a depressed middle aged woman float around for 90 minutes I would go to the YMCA pool!” A bit harsh, don’t you think? But he didn’t stop there; he went on to trash The Godfather, Schindler’s List, Citizen Kane, and Forrest Gump. About Forrest Gump Atkinson said that he wished he was Lieutenant Dan’s legs since they got to leave early. Lieutenant Dan’s character lost his legs and this was portrayed using CGI to digitally erase the legs (as discussed in an LA Times Article). Overall, this was one of the funniest characters that I have witnessed on the Weekend Update, due to his clever and somewhat controversial jokes. Also, Taran Killam’s portrayal of the crazed critic was (and is) perfection, with hilarious improvisation – especially when he threw a seemingly magical notecard that landed right back on his other cards, causing him to joke about the quality of live television. This was by far the most memorable part of the Weekend Update that week on SNL, and it will likely remain one of the most hilarious Weekend Update segments ever. In the immortal words of Jebidiah Atkinson: “NEXT!!!”

2. Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song
 “So if you feel like the only kid in town

Without a Christmas tree

Here’s a list of people who are Jewish

Just like you and meeee!!!!”

In his famous song of December 3, 1994, Adam Sandler looked to include all Jewish kids who may have felt left out by Christmas celebrations. He gracefully showed that Judaism is NOT something to be ashamed about, as many celebrities share that trait with Jewish kids. He sang that “you can spin your dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. Both Jewish!” In fact, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, the actors for the roles of the time, are both Jewish.  The current actor of Captain Kirk, Chris Pine, is partially Jewish but the current Spock actor is not, so children of today may be confused, but that’s a different issue. Anyway, Sandler listed more celebrities like James Caan, Paul Newman, Goldie Hawn, Harrison Ford, and Tom Cruise. Interestingly, he said “Tom Cruise isn’t (Jewish) but I think his agent is!” It is true that Tom Cruise is not Jewish, so Sandler’s claims seem to be legitimate. And this legitimacy makes the song so funny, even today. Adam Sandler crafted a unique holiday song that shows that many people share a common trait, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Near the end of the song, he discouraged smoking “Marijuanakah,” which sends a good message: do not do drugs or you may not even be able to pronounce them correctly. He included Jewish kids and ended the song by wishing all a Happy Hanukkah. So, to conclude: the song is pro-Jewish kids and anti-drugs; it kills two birds with one entertaining and hilarious stone. If that’s not a memorable, hilarious moment on the Weekend Update, I don’t know what is.

3. Germans Love David Hasselhoff
“Germans love me.”
Norm MacDonald is arguably the best Weekend Update anchor ever, due to his dry delivery and borderline offensive jokes. Well, not necessarily borderline… he really offended people and ended up getting fired for offensive O.J. Simpson jokes. MacDonald had many ongoing jokes throughout his SNL run, one of which was his “theory” that Germans love David Hasselhoff. During many stories that related to Germany, David Hasselhoff, or BayWatch (Hasselhoff’s show), MacDonald would conclude by saying: “which once again proves my theory that Germans love David Hasselhoff.” On November 19, 1994, David Hasselhoff actually appeared on the Weekend Update to discuss a tour he took to many countries around the world. Naturally, MacDonald asked Hasselhoff how people of various countries reacted to him, and Hasselhoff responded by describing China and then Japan. MacDonald, clearly frustrated that his theory was not being proven, limited Hasselhoff to discussing Northern Europe and the countries that specifically loved him. Hasselhoff responded with Norway, and MacDonald cut him off, determined to prove his theory! He specifically asked about Germany, and as Hasselhoff struggled to give a clear answer, MacDonald interrupted him (again), described a nameless guy with a theory, pulled out a gigantic stack of papers as evidence of the theory, and asked Hasselhoff  for the courtesy of not ruining the guy’s life. A confused Hasselhoff was then given a slip of paper by MacDonald and read it aloud: “Germans love me.” Norm concluded, happily, with “Which once again proves my theory that Germans love David Hasselhoff!” This was a classic moment, and is a personal favorite of mine, because it was the culmination of a long-running gag. The buildup to this moment was incredible, with countless references to MacDonald’s “theory” throughout his time as the anchor. This all ended with an epic conclusion, as the subject of the jokes “confirmed” the “theory” in a hilarious exchange. This was classic moment of the Weekend Update because it was essentially a long-running buildup with an epic punchline.

So there you have it: my three favorite Weekend Update moments not ranked in order of favorite-to-least favorite, but instead shown in reverse-chronological order. These moments for me were truly hilarious and quite inspirational. I will never watch my favorite movies the same way again, nor think of Germany or the Christmas season the same way again. Now, if you have any disagreements with my SUBJECTIVE list, then please let me know in the comments. And I would like you to share: what is your favorite SNL Weekend Update moment? Next week I will take a look at the Weekend Update of the episode on January 17, so please check that out as soon as I post it. And hey, guess what? This is my first blog post! Hooray! Now, I'm new to this, so if you have any suggestions for me to improve my blog posts, blog design, writing, topics, etc... LET ME KNOW! I want to know what you all think of this blog so please put any suggestions and/or criticism in the comments below. But please, do not insult other people in the comments, because that could get ugly. Let's keep it civil here, alright? So that's about it. To conclude, in the immortal words of one of the Weekend Update anchors (Colin Quinn?): “That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.”

(1,335 words FYI)
Sources (in case you wanted to know):

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kyle! This blog is so funny. Good job :) I personally have never watched the weekend update but after reading your article, I think 'I'm going to start tuning in.
